Wednesday, August 22, 2012

eBooks to Kindle

I really, really like my Kindle. AND I appreciate eBooks, but it seems quite often that the book I want to read is not available as a mobi file (the one your Kindle uses). So, after getting an email from someone on one of my home school groups offering to convert epub files to Kindle for a low price (for their time) I decided to Google "mobi file conversion". Guess what I learned? There are online epub file converters that are FREE!! And, amazingly enough, they work rather well. The one I tried can be found here. It took only a few moments and the file that came back passed all my malware and virus scans. AND the site converts many other file types for numerous media!

SO there's no excuse now not to fumble between your Kindle and computer! Happy reading!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Quickly tonight, before I'm off to bed.

This came from my Facebook friend, Q: The importance of original pronunciation to a proper understanding of Shakespeare.  It's a quite interesting video, even if you're not into Shakespeare; I've found that a proper understanding of English pronunciation--and in this case, old English, helps you to understand so many more things, even why certain things are spelled the way they are. So take a listen and learn something:

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Here we go again...

Simple Round Basket
Cherokee Double-Wall Basket

Last year, when I thought to start this particular blog, I got sidetracked because I could not conceive of an interesting approach.

But recently, while working with my son John, I hit upon the concept of keeping track of the new things I learn every day...and to commit to keeping up with it for a year.

The plan is that I will pass on whatever new thing I come upon each day, whether it be newsworthy, a household hint, or scientific discovery, on the following day.  My interests are so varied, that I really find it hard to pick any one thing--my brain is truly a mish-mash of stuff. I'd be lucky to process something new AND post upon it in the same day, but I might. Who knows!

My newest hobby is basket-weaving, and yesterday's class produced the Simple Round Basket. Last month it was the Cherokee Double-wall...more challenging, but lots of fun.
Our instructor is Linda Lou Alexander, of Baskets by Linda Lou, Finley, Oklahoma. Linda is a hoot! She's been making baskets for over twenty years, and is a fixture at arts and crafts shows and rendezvous in the area. Linda has a gift for making everyone feel comfortable, and teaches in such a friendly, easy-going manner, that people seem to turn out wonderful baskets as a regular matter of course.

What did I LEARN you ask? Well, after I got home from class I took a spin around YouTube looking for videos, and found Making a Rose Arch from Hazel Rods.

That led me to How to Make a Bent Wood Trellis:

And THIS is something I plan on doing!

Learn something new every day!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I love Bluebirds. I'm not certain why. Perhaps it's because I am a native Missourian (our state bird is the Eastern Bluebird), or because they're so brightly colored. Then again, it may be because my dad loved them, and always wanted to attract them to his yard--with no success. If only he'd lived long enough to visit us here in SE OK. I have at least two nesting pair of Bluebirds in any given season and I love to watch them play in the bird bath.

Sialis sialis --Eastern Bluebird

Building Bluebird houses is a fun way to pass some time, and a good project with kids. My favorite house is one that I designed using a single cedar fence board for each house. Later, I'll post the details so you can make one too!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Can you see me now?

This is Phoebis sennae, or "Cloudless Sulphur". I found it flitting around on my canteloupe vines.It didn't stay too long at any flower, but it gave itself a brief respite on this leaf.
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